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Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneric Ocelot"

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Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneric Ocelot"

Messaggioda Ale2695 » gio ott 13, 2011 4:24 pm

Oggi è il Relase Day per Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneric Ocelot".
Diverse le novità apportate in questa versione, tra cui l'aggiornamento al kernel Linux 3.0 ed a GNOME 3.2, l'aggiunta di Unity 2D di default e diversi miglioramenti ad Unity 3D, il passaggio a LightDM per la schermata di login, la sostituzione di Evolution con Mozilla Thunderbird, l'aggiornamento dell'Ubuntu Software Center alla versione 2.0 e l'ottimizzazione della grafica dei programmi con GTK+3.
L'edizione Desktop di Ubuntu 11.10 è prelevabile facendo riferimento a questa pagina, nelle versioni a 32 e 64 bit. L'edizione Server, anch'essa disponibile per sistemi x86 ed x64, è scaricabile da qui, sempre in formato ISO.
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Re: Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneric Ocelot"

Messaggioda Al3x » gio ott 13, 2011 5:07 pm

"There is nothing like a dream to create the future." - Victor Hugo

The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce Ubuntu 11.10, code-named
"Oneiric Ocelot". 11.10 continues Ubuntu's proud tradition of
integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies
into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution.

For PC users, Ubuntu 11.10 supports laptops, desktops and netbooks
with a unified look and feel based on an updated version of the
desktop shell called "Unity", which introduces specialized "Lenses".
Finding and installing software using the Ubuntu Software Centre is
now easier thanks to improvements in speed, search functionality
enhancements, and usability improvements. Aside from updates
on the performance side, it's also more aesthetically appealing.

Ubuntu Server 11.10 has made it much easier to provision, deploy,
host, manage, and orchestrate enterprise data centre infrastructure
services with the introduction of "Orchestra". The Juju technical
preview allows service developers to describe the deployment and
scaling requirements of their applications, in order to simplify
and enhance the dialogue between developers and operations teams.
For those working on the ARM architecture, a technical preview is
also provided for the ARM server.

Read more about the new features of Ubuntu 11.10 in the following
press releases:

http://www.canonical.com/content/transf ... buntu-1110
http://www.canonical.com/content/client ... usiness-it

Standard maintenance updates will be provided for Ubuntu 11.10 for
18 months, through April 2013.

Thanks to the efforts of the global translation community, Ubuntu
is now available in 38 languages. For a list of available languages
and detailed translation statistics for these and other languages, see:

http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/stats/ ... stats.html

Ubuntu 11.10 is the base for the newest 11.10 iterations of Kubuntu,
Xubuntu, Edubuntu, Mythbuntu, Ubuntu Studio, and our newest addition
to this release cycle, Lubuntu!

Kubuntu: http://kubuntu.org/news/11.10-release
Xubuntu: http://xubuntu.org/news/11.10-release
Edubuntu http://edubuntu.org/news/11.10-release
Mythbuntu: http://mythbuntu.org/11.10/release
Ubuntu Studio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/11.10release_notes
Lubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Announcement/11.10

Ubuntu 11.10 is also now available on two new ARM community-supported
AC100 (Toshiba Tegra 2 Netbook): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/TEGRA/AC100
MX5 (Freescale i.MX53 QuickStart): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/MX5
è primavera finalmente! [:)]
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Membro Ufficiale (Gold)
Membro Ufficiale (Gold)
Messaggi: 7418
Iscritto il: sab gen 10, 2009 12:51 pm

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