-----XDBdown.cmd----- (You can download a copy of this cmd file from the Symantec link in the above instructions)-----
@set COPY_XDB_TO="c:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\"
@set XDBTEMP=%temp%
@rem ==============================================================================================
@rem Set RAPIDRELEASE=1 to download repidrelease definitions, RAPIDRELEASE=0 for fully QA'd definitions (standard).
@rem Change COPY_XDB_TO= to point to the SAV CE server directory (or where you want the XDB file copied)
@rem you can also run the script directly from the SAV folder and it will copy the definitions there.
@rem XDBTEMP is the temp folder the script will use while downloading definitions, set to %temp% to use system default
@rem ==============================================================================================
@rem Script for downloading virus definition updates for
@rem Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition version 8.x and 9.x
@rem This unsupported utility is provided for your convenience only.
@rem Symantec Technical Support cannot provide support for the creation,
@rem use, or troubleshooting of Windows scripts.
@rem ==============================================================================================
@echo off
rem ========= check that OS is win2k or better ============
if not "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto BADOS
if "%APPDATA%" == "" goto BADOS
rem ========= make sure to be in script directory ============
if exist rtvscan.exe set COPY_XDB_TO=%CD%
for %%i in (%0) do @%%~di
for %%i in (%0) do @cd %%~pi
if exist rtvscan.exe set COPY_XDB_TO=%CD%
rem =========== get name/size of last file from "xdbdown.lastfile" ============
if not exist xdbdown.lastfile goto NOLAST
for /f "tokens=1" %%f in (xdbdown.lastfile) do set lastfile=%%f
for /f "tokens=2" %%f in (xdbdown.lastfile) do set lastsize=%%f
rem ========= jump to temp dir ============
if not exist "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp" md "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp"
if exist "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\*.xdb" del "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\*.xdb"
pushd "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp"
rem =========== make ftp script for checking xdb directory on ftp ===========
echo open ftp.symantec.com> check.txt
echo anonymous>> check.txt
email@address.com>> check.txt
set xdbfolder=xdb
if "%RAPIDRELEASE%" == "1" set xdbfolder=rapidrelease
echo cd AVDEFS/norton_antivirus/%xdbfolder%>> check.txt
echo dir *.xdb chk.lst>> check.txt
echo bye>> check.txt
rem =========== get filename and size from ftp ============
if exist chk.lst del chk.lst
ftp -s:check.txt
if not exist chk.lst goto ERROR
for /f "tokens=9" %%f in (chk.lst) do set xdbfile=%%f
for /f "tokens=5" %%f in (chk.lst) do set xdbsize=%%f
if "%xdbfile%" == "" goto ERROR
if "%xdbsize%" == "" goto ERROR
rem =========== compare ftp name/size to local ============
if not "%xdbfile%" == "%lastfile%" goto DOWNLOAD
if not "%xdbsize%" == "%lastsize%" goto DOWNLOAD
echo Already downloaded latest %xdbfolder% file: %xdbfile% - size %xdbsize%
echo %date% %time% Already downloaded latest %xdbfolder% file: %xdbfile% - size %xdbsize% >> XDBdown.log
goto END
rem ========= make ftp script for downloading new xdb file =========
echo open ftp.symantec.com> down.txt
echo anonymous>> down.txt
email@address.com>> down.txt
echo cd AVDEFS/norton_antivirus/%xdbfolder%>> down.txt
echo bin>> down.txt
echo hash>> down.txt
echo get %xdbfile%>> down.txt
echo bye>> down.txt
rem ============= download new file =================
ftp -s:down.txt
for %%i in (%xdbfile%) do @set newsize=%%~zi
if not "%newsize%" == "%xdbsize%" goto ERROR
move %xdbfile% %COPY_XDB_TO%
if exist %xdbfile% goto ERRORMOVE
echo %xdbfile% %xdbsize% > xdbdown.lastfile
echo Downloaded new %xdbfolder% file: %xdbfile% - size %xdbsize%
echo %date% %time% Downloaded new %xdbfolder% file: %xdbfile% - size %xdbsize% >> XDBdown.log
goto END
echo ERROR: problem downloading %xdbfolder% definition file. xdbfile=%xdbfile% xdbsize=%xdbsize% newsize=%newsize% (lastfile=%lastfile% lastsize=%lastsize%).
echo %date% %time% ERROR: problem downloading %xdbfolder% definition file. xdbfile=%xdbfile% xdbsize=%xdbsize% newsize=%newsize% (lastfile=%lastfile% lastsize=%lastsize%). >> XDBdown.log
type "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\chk.lst" >> XDBdown.log
echo. >> XDBdown.log
goto END
echo ERROR: problem moving definition file to SAV folder. COPY_XDB_TO=%COPY_XDB_TO% newsize=%newsize% (lastfile=%lastfile% lastsize=%lastsize%).
echo %date% %time% ERROR: problem moving definition file to SAV folder. COPY_XDB_TO=%COPY_XDB_TO% newsize=%newsize% (lastfile=%lastfile% lastsize=%lastsize%). >> XDBdown.log
goto END
echo ERROR: this script needs Windows 2000 or better.
echo %date% %time% ERROR: this script needs Windows 2000 or better. >> XDBdown.log
goto END
if exist "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\check.txt" del "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\check.txt"
if exist "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\down.txt" del "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\down.txt"
if exist "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\chk.lst" del "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\chk.lst"
rd "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp"
set lastsize=
set lastfile=
set newsize=
set xdbsize=
set xdbfile=
set xdbfolder=
set xdbtemp=
-----End XDBdown.cmd-----