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Nuovo test Malware Research Group

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Nuovo test Malware Research Group

Messaggioda kronos » dom gen 17, 2010 10:24 am

Ciao a tutti!
È uscito un nuovo test fatto da Malware Research Group: http://malwareresearchgroup.com/?p=1223

Per chi non potesse visualizzarlo posto parte del contenuto:
CIS 4 Beta VS. Top Guns!

Welcome to our first test of the new decade!

In 2010, MRG will be conducting and publishing an increased number of product reviews, group tests and security articles. We hope our tests will allow readers to make more informed decisions concerning the choice and implementation of security products and that our articles will enlighten and spark interest in new areas of technology

To kick off our first new series of tests, we thought we would put Comodo Internet Security V4 Beta in the spotlight.

CIS 4 s one of the most talked about and eagerly anticipated applications of its type for some time. Because of the keen interest shown in CIS 4, we thought we would really put it to the test and pitch it against three apps that performed best in our labs during the past 12 months – these being A-SQUARED, Avira and G Data.

All four applications were tested against 10.000 of mixed samples in an On Demand test and also on a system with 15 live infections, to assess their effectiveness in cleaning a compromised PC.

Malware categories and amount of samples in each category (10.000 samples):

Trojans/Backdoors- 8.134

Worms- 795

Windows Viruses- 314

Other Malware- 757

(Adware/Spyware, Rogues, Rootkits)

List of malware samples used in Infected System Rescue test (names according to Kaspersky’s malware database):

Both tests were performed using Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3

Program Versions:
A-SQUARED Anti-Malware
Avira AntiVir Premium
COMODO Internet Security 4.0.664.127486 Beta
G DATA Antivirus 2010

Results for the 10.000 samples On Demand scan test:
Program / Samples missed / Detection ratio
A-SQUARED / 63 / 99.37%
G DATA / 92 / 99.08%
AVIRA / 97 / 99.03%
COMODO / 101 / 98.99%

Results for Infected System Rescue test:

A-SQUARED Anti-Malware
Successfully removed all 15 infections , only 1 harmless trace found in the registry.

Avira AntiVir Premium
Failed to remove the folowing samples, malicious traces found:

COMODO Internet Security
Failed to remove the folowing samples, malicious traces found:

G DATA Antivirus
Failed to remove the folowing samples, malicious traces found:


COMODO Internet Security is still in Beta Phase but is already showing that it is able to compete with the Top Guns, we only hope that they improve the cleaning capabilities, we are plainning to test CIS V4 Beta in Real Time very soon.

Keep up the good work!

Malware Research Group
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Iscritto il: lun giu 30, 2008 5:27 pm

Re: Nuovo test Malware Research Group

Messaggioda fabius147 » dom gen 17, 2010 5:16 pm

bene quindi si evince che a-squared e' in top [:)]
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Re: Nuovo test Malware Research Group

Messaggioda kronos » dom gen 17, 2010 5:48 pm

fabius147 ha scritto:bene quindi si evince che a-squared e' in top [:)]

e che anche CIS ha fatto dei passi in avanti dalla versione 3(quando l'antivirus è stato, per la prima volta, incorporato nella suite) [applauso+]
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Iscritto il: lun giu 30, 2008 5:27 pm

Re: Nuovo test Malware Research Group

Messaggioda riise90 » dom gen 17, 2010 7:00 pm

Bah, questi test lasciano mi sempre un po' perplesso: bisogna vedere chi c'è dietro a chi conduce i test. Poi A-squared primo non mi convince molto.
P.S.: ma di A-squared usano la versione free o quella a pagamento?
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Re: Nuovo test Malware Research Group

Messaggioda ste_95 » dom gen 17, 2010 7:13 pm

A-Squared e Comodo così in alto... bah...! [rolleyes]
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Re: Nuovo test Malware Research Group

Messaggioda fabius147 » lun gen 18, 2010 1:51 pm

a-squared non so, probabile sia riuscito nella sua impresa..
P.S.: ma di A-squared usano la versione free o quella a pagamento?

credo che nei test abbiano usato la versione a pagamento di a-squared,quella antimalware che non e' free
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Iscritto il: ven gen 15, 2010 12:48 pm

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