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8 giochi free

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8 giochi free

Messaggioda crazy.cat » mar mar 09, 2004 9:20 am

123 Free Solitaire
123 Free Solitaire is a completely free collection of solitaire card games.
Due simulatori di volo e combattimento (in italiano)
Taliban attack http://digilander.libero.it/brodarodasoft/TASetup.exe
Air burner 3D http://digilander.iol.it/brodarodasoft/AB3D_Setup.exe
Home page http://digilander.libero.it/brodarodasoft/
Highway pursuit (corse auto)
Tux Racer
home page http://tuxracer.sourceforge.net/index.html windows,linux,mac
Tux Racer lets you take on the role of Tux the Linux Penguin as he races down steep,snow-covered mountains. Enter cups and compete to win the title! Tux Racer includes a variety of options for gameplay, including the ability to race courses in fog, at night, and under high winds.Your journey starts as you compete on local courses. Win and you will unlock other courses and cups that will lead you to more exciting and challenging races.Only the quickest, smartest, and luckiest will win!
LBreakout (clone arkanoid)
LBreakout is a breakout-style arcade game in the manner of Arkanoid. Use your paddle to aim a ball at bricks until all bricks are destroyed. Lots of power-ups will help you with that task: extra balls, energy balls, extra lifes, weapons, glue, bonus floors, paddle expansion and extra score. Your best results are saved in a highscore chart.
Beats of Rage!! (remake dei vecchi picchiaduro a scorrimento orizzontale)
ftp://ftpclubic1.clubic.com/temp-cl...Rage_1.0029.zip (questo funziona ma è lento)
http://members.rott.chello.nl/~r.va...nload_game.html (non tutti funzionano subito bisogna riprovare)

As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the SEGA megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the waiting proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we tried to correct this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate tribute to Streets of Rage:
Beats of Rage!!
Master mind
home page http://web.utanet.at/gmoerth/mm/index.htm
giocho http://web.utanet.at/gmoerth/mm/mm114.exe

The object of this game is to guess the sequence of a number of colored pegs the computer has selected at random. You can select with how many different colors and how many columns you want to play (3 - 7 each). With the number of colors and/or columns you can raise the severity code.You start filling the holes at the bottom row with pegs, and each time you have completed a guess (i.e. filled all holes) the computer will respond by giving you one peg for each correct color - black if your guess was also in the right place, otherwise white - but you will not be informed about which colors and which place were correct. That part you will have to figure out for yourself.If you haven't managed to guess the sequence in the 18th row, the game ends and you can try a new one.
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MLI Hero
MLI Hero
Messaggi: 30959
Iscritto il: lun gen 12, 2004 1:38 pm
Località: Mestre

8 giochi free

Messaggioda crazy.cat » mar mar 09, 2004 9:20 am

123 Free Solitaire
123 Free Solitaire is a completely free collection of solitaire card games.
Due simulatori di volo e combattimento (in italiano)
Taliban attack http://digilander.libero.it/brodarodasoft/TASetup.exe
Air burner 3D http://digilander.iol.it/brodarodasoft/AB3D_Setup.exe
Home page http://digilander.libero.it/brodarodasoft/
Highway pursuit (corse auto)
Tux Racer
home page http://tuxracer.sourceforge.net/index.html windows,linux,mac
Tux Racer lets you take on the role of Tux the Linux Penguin as he races down steep,snow-covered mountains. Enter cups and compete to win the title! Tux Racer includes a variety of options for gameplay, including the ability to race courses in fog, at night, and under high winds.Your journey starts as you compete on local courses. Win and you will unlock other courses and cups that will lead you to more exciting and challenging races.Only the quickest, smartest, and luckiest will win!
LBreakout (clone arkanoid)
LBreakout is a breakout-style arcade game in the manner of Arkanoid. Use your paddle to aim a ball at bricks until all bricks are destroyed. Lots of power-ups will help you with that task: extra balls, energy balls, extra lifes, weapons, glue, bonus floors, paddle expansion and extra score. Your best results are saved in a highscore chart.
Beats of Rage!! (remake dei vecchi picchiaduro a scorrimento orizzontale)
ftp://ftpclubic1.clubic.com/temp-cl...Rage_1.0029.zip (questo funziona ma è lento)
http://members.rott.chello.nl/~r.va...nload_game.html (non tutti funzionano subito bisogna riprovare)

As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the SEGA megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the waiting proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we tried to correct this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate tribute to Streets of Rage:
Beats of Rage!!
Master mind
home page http://web.utanet.at/gmoerth/mm/index.htm
giocho http://web.utanet.at/gmoerth/mm/mm114.exe

The object of this game is to guess the sequence of a number of colored pegs the computer has selected at random. You can select with how many different colors and how many columns you want to play (3 - 7 each). With the number of colors and/or columns you can raise the severity code.You start filling the holes at the bottom row with pegs, and each time you have completed a guess (i.e. filled all holes) the computer will respond by giving you one peg for each correct color - black if your guess was also in the right place, otherwise white - but you will not be informed about which colors and which place were correct. That part you will have to figure out for yourself.If you haven't managed to guess the sequence in the 18th row, the game ends and you can try a new one.
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MLI Hero
MLI Hero
Messaggi: 30959
Iscritto il: lun gen 12, 2004 1:38 pm
Località: Mestre

Messaggioda M@ttia » mar mar 09, 2004 1:07 pm

TUX RACER FOREVER!!!! [^][^][^]
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Messaggi: 8363
Iscritto il: lun giu 09, 2003 2:18 pm
Località: Ticino - Estero

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