[Concorso] Photography Competition

Enter the most prestigious competition for creativity in photography, the Communication Arts Photography Competition. Any photograph first printed or produced within the last twelve months prior to the deadline is eligible. Selected by a nationally representative jury of distinguished designers, art directors and photographers, the winning entries will be distributed worldwide in the Communication Arts Photography Annual and on commarts.com, assuring important exposure to the creators of this outstanding work. As a service to art directors, designers and art buyers, a comprehensive index will carry contact information of the photographers represented.
Any photograph first printed or produced within the last twelve months prior to the deadline is eligible. Entries may originate from any country. Explanation of the function in English is very important to the judges. Submission of entries acknowledges the right of Communication Arts to use them for publication and exhibition.
Scadenza 26 marzo 2010
Info: competition@commarts.com
Any photograph first printed or produced within the last twelve months prior to the deadline is eligible. Entries may originate from any country. Explanation of the function in English is very important to the judges. Submission of entries acknowledges the right of Communication Arts to use them for publication and exhibition.
Scadenza 26 marzo 2010
Info: competition@commarts.com